Part 15: Exploring Folsense II
Puzzles Remix
A close inspection of the scene reveals that one building has letters of the alphabet hidden in its doorways and windowpanes.
You might've noticed before, but this is one that only submits the solution when it's correct. Makes it impossible to not get the full amount of Picarats.

Nothing creates a feeling of tranquility in a room quite like a fresh bouquet.

I'll say! Those flowers in the Molentary Express's deluxe rooms really relaxed me.

Hmm... Of course! It's so obvious I can't imagine why I didn't think of it until now.

What do you mean, Professor?

Luke, think back to when that train carriage switched tracks. Can you remember anything?

Well... Honestly, I don't remember much. I dozed off during all that, so everything's a bit foggy.

Of course it is. The sudden sleepiness we experienced was no coincidence.

Furthermore, I don't believe it was mere chance that we awoke upon our arrival in Folsense...

What plan would that be?

Were I to venture a guess, I'd say Sammy's roses contained some kind of extra ingredient...

Which sent everyone to sleep so that one of the carriages could switch tracks!

Precisely, my boy. I'll wager that only those riding in the deluxe carriage were taken away to Folsense.
It's pretty strange that this random puzzle gives something that seems like it'd come up in an important plot scene, huh? Weird.
Puzzles Remix
W17 Mouse on the Loose!
There's lots of open space in this puzzle, so you'd think it'd be easy to shift thinks around. But clearing a path can be surprising difficult. To beat this one, you'll need to use the indentations on some blocks effectively. Oh, and try to get that straight orange block above the U-shaped blue one at the top of the screen.
In practice this one seems sort of alright, but that's only when you know what you're doing. This one is a lot harder than it looks, but maybe I'm just bad at these.
Okay, so we're immediately due north of the antique's store area now. But... someone oddly familiar is already here.

Hey, I know you!

And I know fate, 'cause that's what brought you, me and that swanky tea set of yours together.

Now that we're all reunited, I say we celebrate with a cup of tea. Brew me something nice, would ya?

You want us to make tea for you?

It's so easy to make, even a baby could do it. A baby with a magic tea set, that is.

Anyhoo, all you need is some Oasis Leaf, a little Brisk Berry and a sprinkle of Citronia Seed.
This is our third tea serving, but the first - and last - that is mandatory. As a result, it's the easiest one to make and he outright tells you how to make it just to be safe.

Keh heh heh. Not a bad cup of tea you make, shorty.

Of course, you couldn't have pulled it off without my expert direction, so don't get cocky.

You know, this town is filled with thirsty folks.

You've got the tea set, so the way I see it, it's your responsibility to help people!

Gosh, Professor, what do you think? How much good can we really do with just a cup of tea?

Oh, a fair bit, Luke. A gentleman never underestimates the power of a hot cup of tea.

Hmm, well, when you put it like that I suppose it couldn't hurt to spread some happiness.
After that, Stachenscarfen wanders off and is replaced by this man here. He has a puzzle for us, naturally.

Why don't you rest a while with this puzzle I've got here?
As nice as it sounds, though, I'm really not feeling up for this right now.

Instead, we're just going to move back and forth between this screen and the promenade from before. After a while...

A few sweatdrops appear over Derby's head. This is a visual indicator for us that let us know something important.

You certainly are. How did you work that out?

Du-ur! 'Cause I am too. Plus, I've got a trick for working out who's local and who's not.

Wow, that sounds handy! Can you teach me how to do it too?

Dur... sure, why not. But not for free! Tell ya what, I've been feeling a bit down lately.

Well, I imagine we might be able to whip up a classic cup of tea that will excite your tastebuds.

Ooh, that sounds durlicious. I haven't had tea a very long time... Ages!
So, Stachenscarfen aside, none of the remaining people to serve tell us outright what they want. It generally mentions something in the description that you can see on the bottom screen, so if you can't figure it out immediately then that helps a fair bit.

A hur hur, now that's the stuff. I tell you, the classics really are the best. That goes for tea, too.

We've held up our end of the deal, so spill the beans. How do you tell outsiders from locals in this town?

Oh, it's a piece of, urrr, pudding. Just get up real close...and give 'em a sniff.
What he neglects to add is that, yes, you can tell people from out-of-town town by the scent of roses... but you can also tell the taste of a liar by licking their sweat.

I see...
Aside from heading back to the promenade, there's two places we can go from here. Neither is particularly obvious so I'll include the direction arrows for once here. We'll go left first.

Oh, hello there. You're the fellow who's always with Inspector Chelmey, yes?

The name's Barton, sir. I am a constable serving under Inspector Chelmey, sir!

I feel obliged to let you know you may want to reconsider going up this way with the boy.

Why, what's up ahead?

I don't think he'll budge on this, Luke. We'll have to find another path leading up that way.
Well, that's unfortunate but we do need to go north so a detour it is then.

Which means that we're going this way instead.

No need for alarm, Luke, he's likely just gathering information about Dr Schrader's case.

It seems that he's finally worked out that the key to solving it lies here in Folsense.

Heh heh heh. Maybe the inspector's almost got a grip of the situation for once.

No doubt about it?

Yep, the man in the photograph is the one. I'd remember that face anywhere.

Hmph, well, that seals the deal. Just as I suspected. My instincts are never wrong!

Come along now, Barton! We're moving on!

Hmm? Oh yes, sir. Right behind you, sir!
So, this doorman here does have more than just a random puzzle for us but right now? He just has a random puzzle for us.

Now, if you'd be so kind as to hand me your hat?

Very well. You're saying that we can enter if I give you this hat?
Let's be realistic; Layton is not handing over his hat.

Yeah, so, instead we'll head into the other building here. The one with a giant camera over the front door. That one.

But if you look closely, you can see that the pictures aren't quite in chronological order.

Do you think you can work out the order in which the pictures should be displayed?
Maybe but it's super dimly lit in here so not right now?

Instead, we'll just look around here I guess.

If we don't solve that puzzle from before, talking to this guy DOES let us retry for the record. We'll skip past that though and instead...

I'm flattered, but really, I take no special measures in that regard.
Nothing else in here, though, so we'll just leave and head up those stairs outside.

There's a path behind that... dog. What is with this game and dogs?

He doesn't appear to be in a very good mood, Luke.

Let me see if I can find out what the problem is.

Growrf! Growrf GROOOWRF!


Good heavens! Luke, are you hurt?

Indeed. Let's find another way through town. Passing through here seems rather difficult.
Only way that resembles forward progress here is to the left, so let's take a looksee.

That's a big ol' gate and either this is the museum or it's past that dog. Given the directions we were given, it could go either way but I'm inclined to think it's this one.

Layton is too, so I gotta be right.

The gate's shut tight. It must be closed.

I was hoping we'd find some useful information inside, but there's no sense in standing around waiting.
Puzzles Remix
Don't bother thinking about pi. You don't need it to solve this one!
If you draw straight lines between the four centre points of each of the flower beds, it makes a square!
The shape is identical to the example hat, so while you many find that some shapes resemble the hat in question, outlining one of these won't count as a valid solution. Study the points where the lines of several shapes cross each other to find the exact match to the sample hat.
The hat hidden in the pattern has been turned on its side.
Augh, I hate these types of puzzles. Almost more than even sliding puzzles. Almost.
Start by scanning all four pictures for differences between them. For example, maybe the buildings are different in one or two of the photos...